Issues with Rendering on Github Pages

Today I moved my posts on medium to my new Github blog. During the process, I ran into several problems. Features that showed perfectly well on the Preview tab would not render properly in the blog itself. Among the numerous solutions on the internet, here are the ones that worked for me. This post will be updated if new problems emerge or better solutions are found.

1. Math expressions would not render

I added the following code to the bottom of my _config.yml file above </head>.

<script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "all" } } }); </script>
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
    tex2jax: {
      inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
      processEscapes: true
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

3. Images would not render

I added ?raw=true to the end of my link.


<img src="" />


<img src="" />

3. Tables would not render

I tried changing the build settings in my _config.yml file to markdown: GFM instead of markdown: kramdown

After I made this change, the table was rendered properly but without borders. Another problem was that the math went rather weird. In the end the problem was not resolved and I removed the tables.

220823 update) The problem with maths mentioned above was the multiline equations not splitting. Using markdown.GFM and six backslashes instead of two for line breaks solved the problem. (See 4.)

4. Multi-line equations were not numbered

I added begin{equation}, end{equation} and changed aligned to split.


\int_a^b \delta(t)f(t) dt {} & ={\int_a^{0-} \delta(t)f(t) dt} + {\int_{0-}^{0+} \delta(t)f(t) dt} + {\int_{0+}^b \delta(t)f(t) dt} \\
      &= \int_{0-}^{0+} \delta(t)f(t) dt = \int_{0-}^{0+} \delta(t)f(0) dt = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(t)f(0) dt = f(0)


\int_a^b \delta(t)f(t) dt {} & ={\int_a^{0-} \delta(t)f(t) dt} + {\int_{0-}^{0+} \delta(t)f(t) dt} + {\int_{0+}^b \delta(t)f(t) dt} \\
      &= \int_{0-}^{0+} \delta(t)f(t) dt = \int_{0-}^{0+} \delta(t)f(0) dt = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(t)f(0) dt = f(0)

220823 update)

After 2:

\int_a^b \delta(t)f(t) dt {} & ={\int_a^{0-} \delta(t)f(t) dt} + {\int_{0-}^{0+} \delta(t)f(t) dt} + {\int_{0+}^b \delta(t)f(t) dt} \\\\\\
      &= \int_{0-}^{0+} \delta(t)f(t) dt = \int_{0-}^{0+} \delta(t)f(0) dt = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(t)f(0) dt = f(0)