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A Guide to this Blog

This blog covers the following topics: Digital Signal Processing/Digital Image Processing Edge Detection and Segmentation Edge AI(Coral) More will be added.

[Coral] Getting Started with Coral

Through the Ambient AI Bootcamp from Seoul National University Graduate School of Data Science, I was given a chance to experience AI on edge TPU with Google Coral. This post...

Writing Markdown with Atom

When I first began writing posts on this blog, I simply created a new Markdown file in my 'posts' folder and began writing. Pretty soon I realized that this was...

[DIP] 2. Histogram Processing

Histogram of an image Again we begin with our dog picture from the last post. Figure 1. Original image This simple python code generates a histogram of the image. import...

[ED] 2. Active Contours without Edges [2]

Continued from Active Contours without Edges [1]. Instead of $H$ and $\delta$ we will use regularizations $H_{\epsilon}$ and $\delta_\epsilon$ of $H$, $H_{2, \epsilon}$ and $\delta_{2, \epsilon}$ in particular. $$ H_{2,...

[DIP] 1. Pointwise Intensity Transformation

Image enhancement Image enhancement is the process of making an image `look better', which is certainly a subjective goal and can vary for different situations. Pointwise intensity transformation is a...