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A Guide to this Blog

This blog covers the following topics: Digital Signal Processing/Digital Image Processing Edge Detection and Segmentation Edge AI(Coral) More will be added.

[ED] 1. Active Contours without Edges [1]

I am reading the paper Active Contours without Edges by Chan and Vese.[1] I also created a python realization of this paper, which can be found here The problem A...

Issues with Rendering on Github Pages

Today I moved my posts on medium to my new Github blog. During the process, I ran into several problems. Features that showed perfectly well on the Preview tab would...

A Guide to this Blog

This blog covers the following topics: Digital Signal Processing/Digital Image Processing Edge Detection and Segmentation Edge AI(Coral) More will be added.

[DSP] 2. The Unit Step Function and the Dirac Delta Function

The unit step function $u(t)$ takes the value of $1$ when $t$ is positive and $0$ when $t$ is negative. In programming jargon $u(t)$ is also known as the Heaviside...

[DSP] 1. Analog and Digital Signals

A signal is a function containing information, often of time or space. Examples of signals include music, movies, telegraphs— pretty much any media that conveys information. Analog signals have continuous...